1) Clean room. It's cluttered.
2) Finish "City of Bones" series. This is more important than Item #1.
3) Decide what to wear for Fashion's Night Out this Thursday in New York. This is more important than Item #1, but less important than Item #2.
4) Do dishes. This item holds the same equally unimportant value as Item #1.
5) Order one more book for school.
6) Remind oneself repeatedly that, in fact, school starts tomorrow.
7) Buy peanut butter. This Item trumps all other Items, with the exception of #2.
8) Upload pictures to Facebook. This Item is time-sensitive due to your parents’ uncanny Facebook skills. In fact, your pictures are already old news.
9) Consider that possibility of maybe thinking about the idea of doing laundry.
11. call alice, even more important than #2!
is the city of bones (mortal instruments--it's the same thing, right?) good!!? i need a new YA series to read now that i've been finished hunger games for awhile.
Love the lamp post!!! Nice memory!!!
it's so good! i ate up the first 500 page book in like less than 2 days. im not sure the characters have as much depth as like harry potter, for instance, but it's a delicious little read! im on book 3 now. should be done with it.. tomorrow. haha def recommended.
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